Mfr.Part #
Neutron Controls
Power Management Modules Interface module for Power Conversion: 12V to 5V, 3.3V, 1.3V

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Manufacturer :
Neutron Controls
Product Category :
Power Management Modules
Input Voltage MAX :
12 V
Output Current :
6 A
Output Voltage :
1.3 V, 3.3 V, 5 V
Product :
Power Modules
Switching Frequency :
250 kHz to 1.5 MHz

Manufacturer related products

  • Neutron Controls
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  • Neutron Controls
    Modules Accessories Base Carrier Development Platform
  • Neutron Controls
    System-On-Modules - SOM MCU Module, the part number will indicate the exact device
  • Neutron Controls
    System-On-Modules - SOM MCU Module, the part number will indicate the exact device
  • Neutron Controls
    System-On-Modules - SOM MCU Module, the part number will indicate the exact device

Catalog related products

  • Crowd Supply
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  • Crowd Supply
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  • Analog Devices Inc.
    Power Management Modules 3Vin Min, 12Vout BB 4SW reg high power

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